viernes, 13 de mayo de 2011


1.      How can we create an ethical relationship between religion and business so that they may cooperate towards a more sustainable and respectful development of life?

I believe that any type of ethical relationship must be build under the principals of honesty, trust, acceptance and respect for each other. So in order to create an ethical relationship between religion and business it is necessary to work under those values and make a joint effort to collaborate with each other. They must also, put together all the principles of business and religions around the world that are focus on the sustainable development and make this its final goal.

2.      Can you imagine a world without religion where everyone would be trying to get immediate satisfaction to their individual needs?

The religions have help for both guide and direct people and as some kind of motivator. Even before the Christian religion (one of the most important in the world), in many cultures there was some type of religion, where people many gods and used them as a way to explain things they didn’t know.

Most of the religions encourage cooperation (at least among members of the same religion). These kinds of values are necessary for society, since a world in which everyone does anything to meet only its personal needs would not have developed in any way. We are all social animals and we need of each other to achieve something.
That is why I can’t imagine a world without religion.

3.      Religion can create networks of trust and familiarity that facilitates economic transactions. Can you name other positive aspects of this relationship?

It enhances cooperation among the participants; creates set of shared values and goals that make people to join forces in order to achieve something.
In the economical sense it can create reliance on the other partner’s values and ethics, an easy way to communicate and respect for the others opinion.

4.      Do you think that stereotyping based on religion has been influenced by economical or political interests, why, whose? What is the role of The Media in this issue?

Yes, I think that the most important reason could be that when religious dogma is against the economic or political interest of some very powerful group of people, they start to harm them and stereotyping is very harmful. I also believe that the all the religions are victims of this type of bias.

It is important to highlight that the economic and political interest are not the only reason for religious stereotyping; lack of tolerance and racism are other reasons.

For me, The Media manipulates the information and only to the interest of a few very powerful people (those who pay), that is why I believe that the roll of media is to “inform” people about what they are allow to say. 

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