lunes, 16 de mayo de 2011


Because of globalization, barriers and distances are no longer an issue at the moment of making business. The world we live in is changing and demands us to do things more efficiently than in past times. That is why, have been created many tools to make this happened (e.g. e-mails, celphones, airplains, etc). 

Virtual teams -a group of individuals who work across time, space, and organizational boundaries with links strengthened by webs of communication technology [1]- are becoming  increasingly important for business today since:
·         They allow the reduction of transportation cost and time
·         The location of the partners may be anywhere in the world.
·         The flexibility it allows
But there are also some bad aspects of virtual teams such as the loss of the face-to-face contact that may enhance distrust and fails in the communication.

Basic Types of Virtual 
Networked Teams consist of individuals who collaborate to achieve a common goal or purpose; membership is frequently diffuse and fluid.
  • Parallel Teams work in short term to develop recommendations for an improvement in a process or system; has a distinct membership.
  • Project or Product-Development Teams conduct projects for users or customers for a defined period of time. Tasks are usually non-routine, and the results are specific and measurable; team has decision making authority.
  • Work or Production Teams perform regular and ongoing work usually in one function; clearly defined membership.
  • Service Teams support customers or the internal organization in typically a service/technical support role around the clock.
  • Management Teams work collaboratively on a daily basis within a functional division of a corporation.
  • Action Teams offer immediate responses activated in (typically) emergency situations.
Why Virtual Teams”.
Gould,D. (June 05, 2006), Virtual teams. From <>
Virtual team benefits and challenges, from <>

[1] “Why Virtual Teams”.

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